Sunday, July 03, 2016

Small things matter

It is one of our busiest time of the year, to the point of having to be in prayer to have strength to participate in the next activity. God is faithful and always come through.

This week, on the last day, I was actually feeling better than any other day.  God gave me what I needed.  He is always generous when providing for our needs.

Friday Fiesta is what we call the celebration at the evening of the last camp day.  All parents come to see their kids performing all the different "tricks" they learned.  Parents arrived all excited with anticipation.  Kids loving the thought of showing off their skills.

During the week as I drove to the event, with my car semi-full, I would stop and pick up a boy.  He was so joyous to be part of it.  I also took him to have lunch with us.  It was a small change in my plans but I was happy to see how much it meant to him.  He had lots of fun!

On the Friday fiesta I was happy to see his whole family!  His Dad had become a Christian right after last camp.  His Mom had been very skeptical about his decision and kept him from participating much in any of our activities. That was an answer to prayer that their boy was coming to our camp. They had a small gift in their hands.  It was their appreciation for what I did.  I opened a box to find a cross pendant.  She understood where I stand.  She had tears in her eyes when she handled me the box.

To end the night with another blessing, their teenager son signed up as a volunteers in the following week's camp.  We would have the opportunity to make another impact in this family.  God was at work!  He lead me to make small changes in my routine to make a big difference in their lives  Small things matter when in God's hand!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

It is not about me ...

We all have a set of values depending on our generation.  Some generations have learned that they should work hard and they will be able to fulfill their dreams; others believe they can do anything they set their hearts on, ... some many ways to view life!

Since becoming a Christian I have believed God had a wonderful plan for my life.  A plan that would include many blessings, hundreds of people coming to Christ, many opportunities to share my experiences, many stories of success. God is good and he has this wonderful life for me. 

I believe in many ways, we, the church has adopted the worldview of our generation in the way we see faith and God's actions in the world.  

What happens then when we do not receive the blessings we believe we are entitled to; what happens when not one person comes to Christ for a long time, when we have no opportunities to share our experiences and have just a few stores of success.  Have I failed?  Did God miscue?

None of the above ... we must readjust our view and understand of God and His ways.  Lately I have been facing this truth.  It is not all about me.  It is not about my success in achieving my goals.  It is not even about the number of people I am able to reach from month to month.   

The truth is that God is much more interested in me, the simple version of me.  The version of me that depends on Him, the version of me that look for His interest, the version of me that searches to understand His ways that are new each day, not because He changes but because I am getting to know another facet of His great being.  

I see two lessons in this:

1) When he looks to me he sees a gem.  A gem does not have to do anything to have value.  A gem IS valuable.  I am valuable to Him.  He enjoys looking at me and seeing the reflection of His son.  He enjoys the thought that I belong to him.  Nothing I do or do not do will ever change his pleasure in me.  This has been a life-changing thought. 

2) On the other hand, it is not about me.  It is His story.  He is reaching people, He is working all the time around me. He is preparing the soil, he is planting seeds, he is harvesting, he is resting the soil.  His timing is perfect and his work is flawless.  Do I have anything to do with it?  Yes, I can abide in Him and take part of what He is doing.  I can watch His actions and rejoice in them.  I can rest in Him and wait until His timing is perfect.  No pressure on me, no credit to me - my share is to rejoice in Him. 

These have been two truths I have been learning lately.  I am so honored to belong to a God so powerful that He controls the world but so sensitive to the point of watching me and maneuvering His ways around so I can take a small part in His might work. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

When you are not needed

We all fight with weaknesses derived from life scars or personality preferences. 

I love to be in the middle of the party where everything is happening.  I love when people count on me, and perhaps even feel a hint of pleasure when they need me!

This has a lot to do with my personality,  BUT we all know that  the "this is who I am, take it or leave it" mentality does not work in the Christian life or in the mission field. 

Due to my personality, people tend to come to me, to ask my opinion, just to hang out with me ... I love to have a good time and they do too!  

As the ministry has been developing, I have noticed the need to influence others and bring them along.  I have been diligent in finding people with whom I can spend extra time, pass on the knowhow and let them free to fly, ... and even go beyond ... 

God has been faithful in giving me this kind of women!  I have a special closer group of 2 ladies who participate in every aspect of my classes: from planning to inviting, from art work to sharing their faith.  It is amazing to count on their support.   

 Ministry can go on if I am not around.  Good, right?  Well, not always.  It is a bitter sweet experience. I am being totally transparent when I say it hurts when I am not needed. It hurts even when they are planning something not including me because I have been too busy.  They are being good friends and considerate, but it still hurts.  

God has been teaching me this lesson.  It is OK not to be needed.  That only means I have run the course and passed the baton to the next person. I played a role and it is done.  More and more God has been impressing on my heart that I should rejoice when I can walk out of the party, my absence unnoticed and rejoice that I had a part in bringing those people together.   I should rejoice walking out and knowing the party will go on, and just perhaps, the better part of it is still to happen. 

2 Timothy 2:2 
"and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well."

Saturday, April 30, 2016

When God does not use my evangelistic strategy ...

Working with our company, we have received much training in Evangelism. With time I have developed my own style of doing it.  It always include lots of coffee time, sharing my own experience with God, making reference to the Bible often and planting seeds of doubt about the person's religious experience. 

In this process I pray often I will have an opportunity to share my testimony and lead the person to consider the same experience.   This is my strategy. 

I met P. a while ago in a craft event.  She has worked for new Ms. teaching the local language and culture.  That is her job.  She has been around Christians for a long time, observing and almost being accustomed to our culture.  I have grown to appreciate her as friend as she faithfully attends my craft class. 

A while back I felt I needed to put the situation in check.  I asked for prayer.  I mentioned to her that I would not be a real friend if I did not ask some questions. I made the point of sharing my testimony and challenged her to move from knowing about God to knowing God Himself.  She could not see what I was pointing out.  I felt I failed in my attempt.  

Perhaps God was not working in her life like I thought He was ... 

Perhaps I was too direct, burning bridges ...

Perhaps I failed in the way I explained it ...

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps ... 

But about the same time ...

P.'s brother had a transplant a while back.  Just recently they found a heart condition that required an open-heart surgery as well.   She was understandably worried about caring for him (who lives with her), taking care of her son and keeping up with her business.  I can imagine that her silent prayer was that God would pass this cup from her.    

For some reason she requested another exam.  She does not know why but she knew it was to be done.  The breakthrough starts with the doctor agreeing to do so, as all was ready to put the date of the surgery in the calendar. They were to go back to get the second results and set the date on a Monday.  On Sunday, the day before, while attending her Cth. church, she prayed God would give her strength.  She had a wild thought, almost like a flash in her mind, a voice that said:  "What if it is not necessary?".  She kept it to herself. 

The next morning they went to the get the results.  The doctor said: "Not sure how to start this, ... I have never seen this happening before ... there was a change ... the blockage moved ... no need for a surgery."  Wow!  She quickly called me saying (screaming): "God exists, He answer prayers!!!!!"

The next day she came to my class and her face was changed, her look was different.  I saw Jesus in her!  That is what I mean: God is not limited to our strategy of evangelism.  He will reach different people, different ways, ... we just sit in awe as He gives us the privilege to be a spectator of His might work of reaching the lost. 

Since then, she has been very outspoken about God's existence, His power, His answers to prayer, etc, etc.  She shared this testimony with all the other ladies in my class. And I stand amazed at what He is doing, His own way, not always following my strategy! :)

Mark 1

Jesus Heals a Man With Leprosy

40 A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” 

41 Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” 

42 Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed. 
43 Jesus sent him away at once with a strong warning: 
44 “See that you don’t tell this to anyone. But go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.” 
45 Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

In due time ...

I am not a farmer, but there is SO much to learn from them!   Correct me if I am wrong, friends, but I learned a farmer will use a land this way:  plowing, sowing, waiting and then harvesting.   Once in a while though, he will let the land rest, it can become overworked.

I believe that, as well as the farmers, we can relate to each one of those stages as we share Jesus with friends and family.  Sometimes I have made the mistake to overlook the last part: resting the land, giving it time ...

Visiting a city where we used to live I got the chance to have breakfast with a former neighbor.  During the time we lived close to her family, my husband and I presented the Gospel several times as we did life together.  Her life was pretty put together, both of them had nice jobs, several properties, nice kids, etc.  We truly loved them not only because of our desire of presenting Jesus, but because they ministered to us, helping us with our babies, sharing so many meals together, etc.

We have many times looked back and wondered:  what else could we have done?  They were always open to talk, but in a polite way explained their very Post-Modern view in life.

Having breakfast with her we learned lots of the latest chapters of their life more in details.  Her husband developed Parkinson desease, her Mom has Alzheimer's  desease, and her adult daughter  who lives with her is going though depression.   All depending on her for care and strength.

I asked her where she found strength.  During the conversation, in tears, for the first time she was open to talk receiving what I had to share with an open heart.  I was able to share about my own struggles and how I only find hope in God.  At the end of our conversation, Dwight downloaded, at her request, an app with daily messages from the Bible.

While in town I also was able to arrange for a Christian lady to apply for the job to care for her husband at home.   I am hoping this would work out and she would have a witness living in with them, blessing them each day with the presence of Jesus.

I have seen throughout the years that God uses our absence to speak to people.  They can get used to the fuzzy feeling of having Jesus around without having to commit.  When we are not around though, they realize they want that same presence in their lives.  Sooner or later, through experiences and trials, they will recognize the difference of the presence of Christ.

I write this praying that her heart will be blessed by the daily messages on her phone and that she will soon commit to Christ for He is the one from whom all our blessings flow.

Meanwhile, friends, wait patiently for the Master’s Arrival. You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work. Be patient like that. Stay steady and strong. The Master could arrive at any time.

James 5:7-8