
No, my name is not Priscilla!

Well, let me explain ...

Many years ago when we first arrived in Spain, I received an invitation from the local believers to present a study to church planters! Yes, me! Needless to say I was very honored but ... scared. I started looking for a woman in the Bible who could be the theme for my short "message".

I came across Priscilla and the more I studied about her, the more I admired this woman. She is only mentioned 4 times in the New Testament, but these short mentions say a lot about her. She has become my historical mentor in many ways. Many times during these last 13 years doing church planting, I thought of her and her sacrificial work of love.

There are many things I love about her:

- She was a real friend to Paul
- She was hospitable - the church met in her house
- She is always mentioned with her husband - they were a team!
- She was mentioned, in one of the times, first than her husband - she was equally involved in the effort to spread the Gospel.

So this space is dedicated to Priscilla! I hope it also becomes a place for all the other "Priscillas" spread around the world, sharing the Good News and serving God with the best of themselves: this is church planting!

Make this your place and share articles of your experience in this labor of love!

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