Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Blessed are the children ...

We just started a new venue to broad our influence where we live. I invited, for the first time, kids of friends to come to our home and participate on a child friendly Bible class. Because of where we live, I thought no one would buy into it. I was wrong. On Friday night 13 children gathered in our living room to sing, pray, play and do crafts around our theme:

I have to admit, it was different. I was tense for a moment. Here, it is a big responsibility to teach children without their parents consent. There I was, I had their avail, but I was so nervous … I wanted to do it right and that they would come back for the next meeting.

Everything went so well. Kids just loved it. It was a first time for most of them. They ate every word I said. They were so receptive! At the time for responses to the message, they all stood up by a picture of Jesus. They place the little sheep they had cut out by Jesus without thinking twice. In their minds, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. I am the little lost sheep. I need Him! That simple!

It made me think of all the adults we are trying to lead them to see it and they have so many but´s and why´s. Jesus’ words make so much sense in light of this experience:

“Blessed are the children for of such is the kingdom of heaven”

We must become like them!

AND … they loved it so much they are inviting new friends for the next meeting! The word is getting around at the school! PTL!