Sunday, July 03, 2016

Small things matter

It is one of our busiest time of the year, to the point of having to be in prayer to have strength to participate in the next activity. God is faithful and always come through.

This week, on the last day, I was actually feeling better than any other day.  God gave me what I needed.  He is always generous when providing for our needs.

Friday Fiesta is what we call the celebration at the evening of the last camp day.  All parents come to see their kids performing all the different "tricks" they learned.  Parents arrived all excited with anticipation.  Kids loving the thought of showing off their skills.

During the week as I drove to the event, with my car semi-full, I would stop and pick up a boy.  He was so joyous to be part of it.  I also took him to have lunch with us.  It was a small change in my plans but I was happy to see how much it meant to him.  He had lots of fun!

On the Friday fiesta I was happy to see his whole family!  His Dad had become a Christian right after last camp.  His Mom had been very skeptical about his decision and kept him from participating much in any of our activities. That was an answer to prayer that their boy was coming to our camp. They had a small gift in their hands.  It was their appreciation for what I did.  I opened a box to find a cross pendant.  She understood where I stand.  She had tears in her eyes when she handled me the box.

To end the night with another blessing, their teenager son signed up as a volunteers in the following week's camp.  We would have the opportunity to make another impact in this family.  God was at work!  He lead me to make small changes in my routine to make a big difference in their lives  Small things matter when in God's hand!

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