Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Acts: tradition or freedom in Christ

Our house church has been studying Acts. It has been exciting to see our group reflected on what went on those days. BUT we all come from different backgrounds (cultural and religious) and it is very hard not to lean on what we already know by experience. On Acts 15 we are faced with the dilemma: tradition or Christ. Even though we know the right answer is, how often we fall on the same things from the past. They are not intrinsically wrong, they are just not vital or as important as we thought they were.
That is why I love our meetings, we are ourselves, we are a family. We do not burden each other with expectations that are not Biblical. If someone cannot come, we realize there must be a reason. If I have to meet with someone instead, it is understood I have a divine appointment and instead of receiving criticism, I know I can count on their prayers.
Now, it is hard not to put an unnecessary burden on each other, we have so much baggage we bring from past experiences!
My prayer is that we learn to live our freedom in Christ and act on it in relation to our brothers and sisters. Help me, God!