I have been silent to a few month as we found ourselves in transition. I just could not find the time to sit down and write. I guess I wanted to figure things out as well ... not that I have gotten there yet!
Last time I wrote we were in Miami. Now we find ouselves in Madrid, Spain! Yes, we are here! I still need to digest all of our lessons and experiences of the last two years.
I do not understand all that happened to us but I see these two years as a journey through the desert. God had a lot to deal with us, to prepare us for a new season and show many facets of His being. I keep saying I know a bigger God than I knew 2 years ago! I am just SO thankful that our "desert experience" took place in Florida, from all places! God was really merciful to us! :)
Jokes apart, it was such a blessing to be placed among people who cared deeply for us and ministered to us in incredible ways.
About our field here ... have you heard about the land that was overworked and needed to rest for a season so it would be ready to receive new seeds? I am sure you have. That is our prayer for our present situation.
If I would have planned this experience, I would have done differently perhaps. BUT, it was such a necessary time away to be renewed and restaured. God knew it all the way! I am glad He does not ask me for advice!
OK, I am here and ready to join hands with all of you, Women of the Harvest! Please send me your stories, thoughts, experiences ... we can minister to each other!Etiquetas